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Nancy Donati: Creative director, designer, project manager


After growing up in Monterey, Nancy came to San Francisco to attend San Francisco State University. There she studied Fine Arts and Interior Design, graduating with a BA in Fine Arts, Drawing and Painting and a minor in Interior Design.


After college her first job was as a prop person for Bank of America’s in-house videos in the Creative Services Department. She quickly became a designer when one of the designers sustained a dark room injury. Nancy was thrilled to be finally doing “art” professionally. She spent five years there learning the ropes of an in-house design department and aspiring to make bank design more inspiring, but most importantly learned precision and accuracy and developed a keen eye for editing and proofing.


Nancy then started her own design company, Donati Design, and worked for clients all over San Francisco. The San Francisco Giants ultimately became her biggest client and after a couple years she was hired as a full-time designer. When the team was sold,  Nancy was promoted to Department Manager and later Director of the department. 


Two years before the opening of the new ballpark, the ownership asked her to develop an art program for the ballpark. Nancy was excited and challenged by this opportunity to use her fine arts and interior design skills. She commissioned murals, created original photographic collages using the Giants archives as source material, and used the vast photo archives to showcase Giants history. The program was  success and Nancy was promoted to Vice President Creative Services. She grew the department to a staff of eight:  including designers, photographers and an archivist.


Nancy not only led the creative team, she designed many projects on her own, such as: the Wall of Fame, art and signage program for the Felipe Alou Baseball Academy in the Dominican Republic , the graphics for The Vault Museum. and managing and serving as the Giants creative director and editorial director for Giants magazine.


After a long career at the Giants, Nancy left to pursue other
design opportunities with her new business NK Donati Design.
She would love to use her talent for 3-D visualization, design skills, ability to take complex subjects and distill them visually into displays and /or programs, making them user-friendly and entertaining, to other industries.

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